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Panorama of  Statue of Liberty against Manhattan cityscape background in New York City, NY
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     SB Coalition
         4 Liberty

       Our Culture


  • How can the SBCL culture best be described?


       Our culture is defined by the values of SBCL.


Respect- All individuals have the right to be heard. All individuals have the right to know about SBCL meetings and attend as they feel appropriate or as needed. All communication must be respectful for the speaker and audience. Also, people should be concise (no long oratories) in their communication in group setting and with internet communications.



Honesty and Integrity- All members will discuss issues with honesty and not talk behind other’s back. If one has concerns with another member, then direct that conversation with the member in question. All laws and guidelines will be followed.



Caring- We are all passionate with regards to the cause of Liberty. Remember that we should care for and about our fellow members. They are mostly volunteers like us!

Trust- We need to create a culture of trust. Members should be able to trust one another... this will come naturally when we treat each other with Respect, Honesty, and Caring.


Trust- We need to create a culture of trust. Members should be able to trust one another... this will come naturally when we treat each other with Respect, Honesty, and Caring.


Creating a Vision for SBCL

A vision describes how SBCL should look after it has successfully implemented its strategies
and achieved its full potential.

A vision statement answers the question: where and what do we want to be?

What might SBCL look like or be in the future, given expected opportunities and challenges, as well as anticipated or conceivable actions?


Initial Vision of SBCL

  1. 1)  Be well known in SB county as a beacon for Liberty

  2. 2)  Be an aggregator for existing groups in SB county

    1. 1)  Encourage synergy among the groups

    2. 2)  Improve and increase communication among folks

      who stand for Liberty in SB county.

    3. 3)  Fund and Support Approved Projects

  3. 3)  Invest in projects which promote Liberty

    1. 1)  Obtain funding from donors

    2. 2)  Distribute funding to worthy and deserving initiatives

 within existing organizations

Top Issues of Concern to SBCL


• There are many issues about which we are vigilant. We have consensus and will do everything we can to address these issues:


  • Mask and Vaccine mandates are not acceptable in any public or private setting. Decisions regarding masks or vaccines are to be made by the individual. No masks in schools.


  • The government has become too expansive and spends too much money. The current tax rate is a burden to all tax paying Californians.


  • School administrators and boards have overstepped decency and are poisoning our children’s minds with the teaching of CRT (Ally to Accomplice in Goleta Union and Just Communities in SBUSD), anti-American propaganda (1619 Project), and sex education (Teen Talk).


  • Election Integrity- We as a community must make sure that all legal votes are counted legally. Data and statistics from previous elections show strong indications that election fraud has been perpetrated via the voting procedures and counting methods.


  • The local and national media have a strong bias against conservatives and patriots who believe in the principles of the US Constitution. Our party will do everything in our power to stand up to the lies and bullying by the media.. Noozhawk, Independent, and in some cases the SB News Press.


  • The government is far too over reaching and has been totalitarian with its enforcement of shutdowns due to the Covid-19 virus. We believe that ALL Covid-19 experts need to be allowed to speak and not censored as the local and national governments have done to them. Only the Faucian folks are allowed to speak about Covid-19. As a result, this has cost millions of American their businesses, jobs, mental health, ability to practice their religion, and other pursuits of happiness.


  • All immigration laws must be enforced as they currently exist in the US. Abuse of political refugee designation for the illegal aliens must end. It is a national disgrace that millions of illegal aliens have been ushered into the USA and provided free transportation and money to live here. This is being done on purpose by the Harris-Biden administration.


• Add other issues as agreed to.

Organizations who Align with the SBCL

Potential/Current groups include:


  1. 1)  Stand Up Santa Barbara-

  2. 2)  FAIR Education- 

  3. 3)  SB Tea Party- 

  4. 4)  SB County Republican Party-

  5. 5)  Reagan Center-

  6. 6)  Young Americans for Freedom- 

  7. 7)  RITA (Republicans Interested in Tomorrow’s America)-

  8. 8)  SB Conservative Republicans- 

  9. 9)  SB Republican Club- ED Fuller

  10. 10)  Active People in the community

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