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  1. ...Who don’t want porn in schools.

  2. Who don’t want a congress man who votes with Joe Biden 99% of the time.

  3. Who don’t want our nation flooded with low education high crime immigrants.

  4. Who don’t want our borders wide open with fentanyl pouring through.

  5. Who don’t want endless wars overseas while our nation fills with homeless veterans.      (Keep our wars local)

  6. Who don’t want our elections controlled by foreigners pouring money into campaigns.     END SOROS

  7. Who do want a decent economy with affordable housing, affordable energy and stable money.

  8. Who do want a stable dollar and a frugal, responsible government.   END THE FED - PLACE MONETARY CONTROL BACK IN CONGRESS

  9. Who want less government and more individual freedom to choose.

  10. Who want honest elections with easily verifiable results.

  11. Who want one day elections with living -breathing citizens only voting on paper ballots.                                                                            END DOMINION

  12. Who want medical freedom for all -      END CDC            END WHO   END MANDATES

  13. Who want congress to create and control our US currency, not foreign bankers.      END THE FED

  14. Who want choice for parents . Means federal school vouchers for Parents to choose where to educate.

  15. Who demand choice for women - Abortion is a right that 67% of Californians have agreed is required. And I will not stand in the way. It's not a federal issue anyway. 

  16. Who want their elected federal official to propose equal funding of Pregnancy Resource Centers - That is choice.

  17. Who are tired of DC making decisions for local schools. END THE FEDERAL EDUCATION DEPT (It's not in the constitution) OR FEDERALLY FUND VOUCHERS

  18. Who believe free markets know better than government bureaucrats.     WIND DOWN USELESS GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS

  19. And who believe our Constitution means what it says- 

  20. Who believe the 1st Amd. means Freedom of Speech - Freedom of Religion  

  21. Who believe free speech means no censorship in the public square.

  22. And who believe the 1st Amendment means freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.

  23. And who believe the government has no rights to censorship.   REIGN IN THE CIA

  24. And no spying by the government, on campaigns , on citizens, on groups or associations without verifiable good cause and due process.   REIGN IN THE FBI

  25. Who believe Shall Not Infringe means Shall Not Infringe. 

  26. Who believe the First Amendment is protected by the 2nd Amendment.  REIGN IN THE DOJ, ATF, DHS

  27. Who believe our Bill of Rights guarantees US citizens protections from the government

  28. Who believe the right to bear arms shall not be infringed - without good reason and due process. HELLER - BRUEN - SCOTUS

  29. Who believe a 10% flat tax on income is a fair tax. More fair than an adjustable marxist based progressive tax.

  30. Who believe social security shall be protected and maintained for the people - By having all income levels paying into SS with without income caps.

  31. And who believe private property rights, are sacred rights. Protected by our Bill of Rights The 2nd, 4th, 5th 

  32. And who believe in limited government and not endless taxes, endless bureaucrats, endless admins, endless snooping, spying, taxing, ordering, prodding, disclosing, invasions of our privacy. 

  33. And much more…

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